YT Evolution Review – Tested For 3 Months With Results

Welcome To Todays Video – YT Evolution Review – Tested For 3 Months With Results.
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In this video, I am going to share the new product called YT Evolution and show you everything about it.

I bought this software over 3 months ago and have got results and also a walkthrough article showing how this works.

YTEvolution is unlike any other.

This WordPress theme and 2 plugins will transform any YouTube channel into a full-blown video website ready to be monetized.

Just import the theme to your WordPress website, add YouTube channels or playlists and let it auto-sync and import all the videos into REAL WordPress posts that can rank in Google using relevant and unique content!

YT Evolution or YTEvo

We’re going to be looking at the YT Evolution product review. I actually purchased this software, so let me go ahead and show it to you. I bought this software back in October of last year, and then I also purchased one of the upgrades in November. I’ve trialed and tested this for several months. However, YT Evolution was taken off the marketplace because Chris, the creator, wanted to play around with it and add some features before launching it properly. In today’s video, I can provide you with a very in-depth review of this product. I’ll take you inside the software, share my actual results from setting it all up, and walk you through everything you need to know about what’s included here. Additionally, we’ll look at some custom bonuses.

First of all, let’s have a look at YT Evolution. This here is the sales page, and we have a headline stating “Free Traffic Passive Income Any Niche” – and this is 100% true, as I’ll also share some results.

YT Evolution Review

So, this is the world’s first software for multiple passive income streams, which sets it apart from other people’s videos. It provides free traffic, utilizing the YouTube platform. Now, if we scroll down, let me show you some more details here. The process works like this: Step one, activate the website; step two, pick videos; and step three, monetize your site. It’s a pretty cool method to make money. You can take channels or videos on YouTube and import them into a blog or website, like these examples we have here:

  1. Fitness video playlist into a stay fit blog.
  2. Your own YouTube channel into your own affiliate website.
  3. Offering this service to local clients and creating a local traffic ranking website.

There are several ways to make money with this method. Initially, I wondered how difficult it would be to set up these blogs and websites on Google and get them ranking. However, let me share some examples with you because you can get this up and running today. As you can see, you don’t need to set up affiliate campaigns, have a social media account, or a big email list. The beauty of this method is that you set it up, and it runs on complete autopilot.

Let me show you a couple of examples. One of Chris’s sites, the creator of this software, is his own site. He set it up, and it runs on autopilot, importing videos from YouTube about cryptocurrency. He has affiliate links on the site. Now, I’ll also share one of my sites. I recently set this one up, and it imports videos from my own YouTube channel. Here, I have an affiliate link as well.

This software allows you to create multiple income streams effortlessly.

Next, I have various videos from YouTube, which is quite good. Now, regarding this particular channel and website, I can show you by simply going to Google. I’ve typed in “not taught at,” and you can see all these indexed articles, generating traffic, especially the one down here. After I trialed and tested this on the first website, I proceeded to purchase multiple different websites and set everything up, putting it all on autopilot.

Let me jump inside the software and show you exactly what everything is. When you purchase it (there’s a link to my blog article below where you can check out custom bonuses and other details), it consists of two parts. First, you get a theme and a plugin within this software. There’s also training provided, with detailed videos showing you how to set up your website. You can build one or two websites, and the process becomes much faster; it should only take 20 to 30 minutes per website. Once it’s set up, it runs on complete autopilot. They provide you with the necessary themes, plugins, and training, covering everything you need to know. Additionally, they offer some extra bonuses, which you can get for free.

Now, let me demonstrate how simple this is. Inside one of my hosting accounts (which I’ll block out on the screen for privacy reasons), you can see several websites. I’ll log into one just to show you. Here we go; let me click on “Log into WordPress” and access this website. As mentioned before, once you’ve set everything up, the entire process runs on complete autopilot, and I absolutely love it.

Let me quickly share a couple of results with you. If you look over here, this website was set up on the 25th of February, and since then, until today’s date, the 17th of March, I’ve had 83 clicks. You can see I’m sending them over to a product on ClickBank, and if I click on the link, you can observe that I’m getting clicks every single day to this website without doing anything. Another example is this one on “How to Make Money on YouTube,” where I’m getting 29 clicks in a day from Google, without any effort. Additionally, there’s another website set up on the 29th of December, receiving traffic every single day without any active promotion.

Let’s go back to the website called “Make Money on YouTube.” If we click on “Posts,” I’ll quickly show you the articles. Here, we have articles like “Thumbnail Mistakes New YouTubers Make and How to Fix Them,” and “Learn How to Get Views on YouTube,” with the dates of publication indicated. The blog has numerous articles in total.

Now, let me show you how the software, theme, and plugin work. I’ll go into the dashboard and show you the process. In the “Channels and Playlists” section, you can find recently added channels and playlists. Clicking on “Add New,” you can search for any channel on YouTube, and if that channel allows video embedding, you can select them and add them to your website, creating content volumes. For instance, you can search for channels related to “Make Money” or any other topic.

Let me demonstrate this with one of my actual channels. Here, you can see the recent channels I’ve added, like “Auto Sync.” Clicking on “Edit,” you can view the videos they’ve published on YouTube, which are allowed to be embedded onto different blogs and websites. Every time they publish a new video, it gets imported automatically to your site.

Guess what? This software brings that video over to my blog or website and publishes it for me. Inside each blog article, it imports the actual video, and if you wish, you can also include the product description and other details. However, ideally, it’s better to replace that information with your own affiliate links. The other fantastic thing about this software is that all the content you see below has been automatically brought in using a content spinner, which is included within the software. It brings in the video, the YouTube description, and connects with spin rewriter and other tools like easy articles to generate all the information related to your video.

The content is then put below the video for you, making it pretty convenient. You can even insert your own affiliate links under the videos. Let me give you an example from Chris’s site. If we click on one of these videos and scroll down, you can see the affiliate link where it says “Buy Crypter now.” The content below is all automatically generated from spin rewriter or ezine articles, and it’s free. It provides a full description, and you can easily insert your affiliate links.

Now, if we come back to YT Evolution, the process is straightforward. You connect your blog or website to different channels and playlists from YouTube within a specific niche or category. For example, I’ve selected the niche “How to Make Money on YouTube.” The software automatically puts all the content onto my website every single day. I then drive traffic to my own YouTube course, but you can direct it to any affiliate link or product related to YouTube.

This approach is incredibly beneficial. If we take this example link, I’m driving traffic to a product on ClickBank called “ABC Product.” It’s a powerful system that streamlines the process and maximizes traffic to your chosen products or affiliate links.

So basically, people are landing on one of my other websites, and I’m directing the traffic over to this Clickbank product. If they purchase it, I earn an affiliate commission. It’s pretty good, and as you can see up here, I’m getting traffic to this every single day without doing anything.

With the YT Evolution software, you go ahead and purchase it first. Once you’ve purchased it, you decide on a niche or topic and find related channels on YouTube. Then, you connect them to the software, and it’s really simple, as shown here. Once you’ve connected, you add a new channel or playlist from YouTube, and the software imports all the content for you. It syncs automatically every time they upload a new video, and it appears on your website.

It’s a great tool to manage traffic and maximize conversions effectively.

In terms of this example over here, the Bitly link leads to one of my websites in the dating niche or “how to get your ex back.” However, nobody actually sees any of the articles on the website. When they click on them, they land on this ClickBank product page. So, they never directly visit the website. The same goes for this channel, “” Although the posts are indexed on Google with thumbnails and titles, visitors don’t see them directly.

Let me demonstrate this by copying and pasting the link into a new tab. As you can see, the link redirects to my main blog, leading them to a free course on “how to make money on YouTube.” So, I’m directing all the traffic from this website to my main blog and offering them the free course. After going through the course, they are directed to my actual paid course, “YouTube Passive Profits,” resulting in sales.

This process is running on complete autopilot, and I have similar blogs set up in various niches, like relationships, dog training, sleep, and more. Once you set it up, it continues to run smoothly without much intervention.

That’s why I use and recommend this software. If you go through and set it up, it will work on autopilot. In addition, I wrote an article on this a few weeks ago titled “Make Money with Automated Websites: Very Simple Passive Income.” I’ll include a link below for you. In the article, there’s a video demonstrating the process of setting up one of these websites from scratch

How Do You Use YT Evolution

Let’s talk about how to set up the website for the ClickBank product with those 83 clicks. If you want to check out the article with more details, I’ll provide a link below for you. In that article, I’ll also share a couple of different ways you can make money with this software. So, that’s pretty much the YT Evolution software review. I use it and highly recommend it. If you want to see the review video, I’ll include a link below for you.

Finally, let’s discuss some custom bonuses that I’m offering if you decide to get these products today. The first bonus is called “Social Media Robots.” It’s a seven-part course that shows you how to set up social media automation for your new websites. This training covers everything you need to know, and the most important part is setting up your social media campaigns on complete autopilot. I’ve even purchased a reseller license for this bonus, which means you can sell it as your own product to others.

The second bonus is “Social Snip.” With this software, you can build authority for your main sites by overlaying any website online and directing traffic to your websites, affiliate offers, CPA campaigns, and more. As with the first bonus, you also get a reseller license for this one.

Affiliate programs offer a recurring income for you, making it bonus number four. Bonus number five is a walkthrough video on how to set up your website using the affiliate programs we looked at in bonus number four. Lastly, bonus number six is another video I’ve created, showing you how to automate getting backlinks and social signals. This will enhance your website’s credibility, and the best part is that it’s absolutely free to set up. It takes about 15 minutes to go through this process, and once it’s done, everything runs on complete autopilot.

Now, regarding the bonuses inside the actual product itself, YT Evolution provides the following two bonuses:

The first one is “The Massive Video of Trading,” where you’ll receive video training on the tools I use to mass create and distribute videos, taking over entire niches. That’s the description for this bonus, and it’s packed with valuable information to help you succeed with your videos and niches.


Affiliate Disclaimer: While I may receive affiliate compensation for reviews or promotions on this channel I always offer an open and honest opinion related to the product or service itself. My goal is to help you make an informed and best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are mine only. With any purchase you should always do your own due diligence before making any kind of purchase. By clicking on links or purchasing products I recommended on this page may generate an income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make.